Please find the policy here.
Règlements et Rapports
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
The Safeguarding and Child protection policy serves to uphold the school’s mission and Values.
Unless a difference between the primary and the secondary sections is stated any reference to the school refers to the whole school. Please find the latest policy update here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Code of Conduct for Lycee International de Londres Winston Churchill parents
Our school is built on a foundation of academic accomplishment, with an open, creative and nurturing environment that encourages each child to reach their full potential.
Through a rigorous, bilingual programme and innovative methods, we educate pupils to become responsible, creative and principled global citizens. We teach them to think critically and act ethically, to form and express their own opinions and respect those of others, to define their own life goals, and to make sense of and embrace change
We cultivate:
- Excellence in intellectual and social endeavours
- Creativity through a diversity of teaching methods
- Integrity by encouraging students to be truthful and fair
- Community through solidarity and collaboration
- Awareness to ensure we are tolerant and able to celebrate our differences.
Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill is a caring school which aims to create a stimulating, learning environment in which every individual has the opportunity to thrive.
Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill values its strong relationship with parents and carers. Together this helps us achieve the very best for the children in a mutually supportive partnership between parents/carers, class teachers and the school community. We therefore continually welcome and encourage parents or carers to participate fully in the life of our school. Parents/carers behaviour should model that expected from students.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide a reminder to all parents/carers and visitors of the expectations around the conduct of parents and carers. This Code of Conduct sets out the actions that the school can take should this code not be fully complied with.
Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may constitute a breach of the Terms and Conditions.
Support structures for parents and carers
Families and carers are invited to seek support and guidance from the school at any time. The parents Association (APLIL) is the main channel of communication and collaboration between parents and the school. Association des parents: APLIL (
Please call or email the relevant school office (Primary, Secondary, Head’s Office) to obtain the contact details of the following APLIL representatives:
- Parents délégués de classe/ Designated class parents
- Parents coordinateurs de niveau / Designated class level parent coordinators
- APLIL Trustees
- Expectations
We request that parents and carers ensure all visitors responsible for collecting their children comply with this code.
With the above principles in mind, parents/carers are reminded that:
1.Everyone is expected to embrace and respect the caring ethos and values of the school.
2.Teachers and parents need to work together for the benefit of their children.
3.Approaching school staff regarding any issue should be done in an appropriate and respectful manner, whether in writing or in person.
4.All members of the school community are treated with respect using appropriate language and behaviour.
5.The school needs to work with a child in order to clarify his/her version of events and bring about an appropriate solution to an issue.
6.Parents/carers must support the school’s disciplinary decisions.
7.Parents/carers address their child’s actions especially where it could lead to conflict, aggressive or unsafe behaviour, both on and off the school premises.
- Inappropriate behaviour
In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment, the school will not tolerate parents, carers or visitors exhibiting the following:
1.Sending offensive, abusive, or threatening emails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communications to anyone within the school community.
2.Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the pupils/parent/staff, at the school on any social sites.
3.Threatening, in any way, a member of school staff, visitor, fellow parent/carer or pupil.
4.The use of physical or verbal aggression towards another adult or child. This includes physical punishment of your own child on school premises.
5.Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with any of the school’s operations or activities anywhere on the school premises. Using loud or offensive language or displaying temper.
6.Any inappropriate behaviour on the school premises, including unsafe driving or parking and inappropriate behaviour at pick-up
7.Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or discipline them because of the actions of this child towards a parent’s own child. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences).
8.Smoking, taking illegal drugs or the consumption of alcohol on school premises.
(Alcohol may only be consumed by parents during authorised events).
9.Damaging or destroying school property.
10.Pets being brought on to school premises (other than guide/therapy animals).
Should any of the above occur on school premises the school may feel it is necessary to take action by contacting the appropriate authorities and may consider excluding the offending adult from the school premises.
- Inappropriate use of Social Media
Social media websites are being used increasingly to fuel campaigns and complaints against schools, Head teachers, school staff, and in some cases other parents or pupils. The Department for Education and Governors of Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill consider the use of social media websites being used in this way as unacceptable. Any concerns you may have about the school or your child/children must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teacher, the Head teacher or the Chair of Governors, where they will be dealt with fairly, appropriately and effectively for all concerned.
- Libellous or Defamatory posts
In the event that any pupil or parent/carer of a child/children at Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill is found to be posting libellous or defamatory comments on any social network sites, they will be reported to the appropriate ‘report abuse’ section of the network site. All social network sites have clear rules about the content which can be posted on the site and they provide robust mechanisms to report activity which is in breach. The school will also expect that any parent/carer or pupil removes such comments immediately.
- Cyber Bullying
We take very seriously the use of cyber bullying by any child or a parent to publicly humiliate another by inappropriate social network comments, pictures or videos. We will consider this a serious incident of school bullying. The school will also consider its legal options to deal with any such misuse on social networking and other sites.
Together we create a positive environment for our children, our staff and our entire community.
Reviewed by Conseil d’Etablissement September 2018
Reviewed by APLIL May 2019
Approved by the Board of Governors June 2019
Please make a note of the new provisions added to the T&Cs since 2019-2020:
Expectations concerning parents/carers behaviour:
12.4 A Parent (term which may include a carer or guardian) may be excluded from the school
premises if the Head reasonably considers such exclusion to be in the best interests of the Student
or of the School, in particular in case of a breach of the parent / carer Code of Conduct.
13.2 The Head may at his or her discretion require Parents to remove their child from the School if the parents’ behaviour or conduct or the behaviour or conduct of one of them is unreasonable; and/or adversely affects (or is likely to adversely affect) their child’s or other children’s progress at the School, or the well-being of School staff; and/or brings (or is likely to bring) the School into disrepute; and/or is not in accordance with their obligations under this contract and/or under the Parent / Carer Code of Conduct.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
- The tablet is an educational tool provided for academic purposes only (e.g. should not be used at school for leisure games, non-school-related social media, entertainment media, etc.).
- Tablets settings can’t be changed without teacher’s approval.
- Tablets are fragile: they must be kept in their school-issued protective case, handled with great care, and transported in a safe manner. Keep them clean too!
- I should not store private information on any iPad (e.g. : pictures, recordings, videos…).
- Don’t change the tablet passcode. It’s usually made of 4 digits numbers such as 0000.
- I am not allowed to delete any apps.
- Tablets must be stored and put on charge at the end of the day.
- I can not take the tablet home unless I have a special authorization from my teacher, in that event the teacher must get parents approval first.
- To send or share documents with anyone via airdrop, email… I must first ask my teacher for approval.
- I am not allowed to use the tablet outside of the classroom unless otherwise advised by my teacher.
- When I am walking the tablet must always be turned off.
- Online gaming is not allowed. Access to the internet is limited to work and research.
- I will not give out any private information such as full name, date of birth, address, phone.
- I will not create new accounts of any kind.
- I will tell a trusted adult if anything online makes me feel unsafe or unsecure.
Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill retains the right to collect and/or inspect the tablet at any time and to alter, add or delete installed software or hardware.
If a pupil does not comply with these rules, 3 warnings will be issued :
- Each time, parents will be informed.
- After 2 warnings, the tablet will be taken away for a day.
- After 3 warnings, the tablet will be taken away for a week.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
(“the School”)
Academic Honesty Policy (#32)
Why an Academic Honesty Policy?
Our vision
It is part of the mission of the Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill to educate students to become responsible and principled individuals who think critically and act ethically. One of the main values of the school is honesty, which is recognised as being of ‘paramount importance in character building.’ This school-wide academic honesty policy ensures the implementation of our mission and values and aims, to give guidance to all stakeholders in acting with integrity and honesty.
Cultural awareness
As an international and bilingual school, the Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill recognises that cultural differences concerning academic honesty may exist. This policy aims to facilitate the understanding of academic honesty in the context of our school and the IB.
As a digital school our students are provided with a mobile device and with that have access to a wide range of information that is available on the internet. The School believes this to be an opportunity to exercise critical thinking and develop responsibility. The mobile device is one of the tools we use to teach, detect and prevent academic dishonesty and assists us in fulfilling our mission to create students who act ethically, demonstrating integrity and honesty.
What is Academic Dishonesty?
Academic Dishonesty can take several forms:
Plagiarism: is defined as the representation intentionally or unwittingly, of the ideas, words or work, including pictures and other graphics, of another person without proper, clear and explicit acknowledgement. The use of translated materials, unless indicated and acknowledged, is also considered plagiarism. This includes the use of online translators such as ‘Google translate’, ‘Reverso’, etc. to produce requested work in a particular language. (Academic Honesty in the IB)
Collusion: is defined as supporting academic misconduct by another student, for example allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another. (Academic Honesty in the IB)
Fabrication: is defined as the falsification of data and information with the intention of passing it off as real.
Misconduct: is the possession of unauthorised materials during an examination or test. (Academic Honesty in the IB)
Duplication of work: is defined as the presentation of the same work for different assessments.
Student responsibilities
Our students strive to be principled and to act with integrity and honesty. At all times, they are expected to produce authentic work that reflects critical thinking. We encourage them to challenge themselves academically and ask them to own and learn from their mistakes, and accept the consequences of their academic dishonesty in accordance with our mission.
Responsibilities of Faculty and Staff
All faculty and staff bear the responsibility to take measures to teach honesty, and recognise and prevent academic dishonesty through teaching awareness and giving students the tools and practice to implement authenticity in their work. Faculty and staff also have the responsibility to detect and investigate academic dishonesty and execute the consequences as described in this policy. The school librarian plays a central role in facilitating this process.
School responsibilities
The school bears responsibility to ensure fairness and consistency in the implementation of the Academic Honesty policy. It is committed to providing a safe environment in which all stakeholders feel confident in approaching issues surrounding academic honesty. Furthermore, it provides opportunities for staff, students and parents to develop their knowledge and understanding of academic honesty through professional development, assemblies, parent conferences and general assistance in teaching and learning.
Parent responsibilities
Parents can assist their children with planning their work, but should not intervene in its production in order to ensure student progress, autonomy and the authenticity of work. They should encourage their child to seek help from faculty and staff when needed to complete assignments. Parents should familiarise themselves with the Academic Honesty policy and support its implementation.
In the classroom, teachers communicate the expectations of academic honesty in the work that students need to produce. They provide their students with guidance as how to meet the expected criteria and allow them practice through continuous and appropriate assessment.
The librarian is recognised as playing a central role in educating students about academic research as an expert in this field. Through allocated library periods, students are familiarised by the librarian with research methods and expectations concerning citing and referencing.
Academic Honesty Expectations Guide
All students are provided with a school’s Academic Honesty Expectations Guide appropriate to their age group. This guide shows them how to effectively acknowledge their sources and aim to provide a continuum in the education of academic honesty.
Availability of Academic Honesty Policy
All classrooms shall be provided with a copy of the Academic Honesty Policy. Furthermore, the Academic Honesty Policy shall be accessible to the wider community through the community portal of the Lycée International de Londres Winston Churchill.
Academic Honesty Agreement
All Secondary School students discuss and sign an Academic Honesty Agreement with their Class Team Leader (CTL) at the start of the academic year. By signing this agreement they acknowledge and subscribe to the mission and values of the school concerning Academic Honesty.
When academic dishonesty is detected
Upon detection of academic dishonesty by a subject teacher, they will engage in a discussion with the student and notify the incident to the CTL and, depending on the gravity, the parents/carers. Students will be given the opportunity to reflect and understand the extent and nature of their misconduct, and to re-submit a new piece of work.
Should academic dishonesty happen on a second occasion, the incident will be reported to the CTL, the parents / carers and an academic leader, such as the Head or Deputy Head of Secondary, or the Diploma Programme Coordinator. All parties involved have the right to respond to any concerns raised. A report of the incident will be recorded on ProNote if it is clear that there was a breach in the school’s Academic Honesty policy. Students should re-submit a new piece of work produced under school supervision and within the time frame given by the teacher.
Continued academic dishonesty would demonstrate lack of regard for the school’s mission and reputation. A third incident will result in a meeting called by the Head of School with the student and their parents / carers. The incident shall be recorded on ProNote if it is clear that there was a breach in the school’s Academic Honesty policy. The student will be required to complete a formal written reflection upon the subject of academic honesty. Also, the student will be placed on a monitoring report and might be required to complete any work in a monitored environment where further guidance can be given concerning academic integrity. Repeated behaviour might lead to more serious consequences, from detention to suspension to expulsion (See Charte de Vie Scolaire/School Rules for Students)
Official Examinations and Academic Honesty
In the case of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Examinations, the Diploma Programme Coordinator will follow procedures as described in points 18.18 – 18.23 of the most updated version of The Conduct of IB Diploma Examinations accessible on MyIB. Students will be made aware of these procedures before the start of the official examinations.
In the case of all other official examinations we shall follow procedures as outlined by the official examination bodies.
Resources to support the policy
Our Mission
As per our Mission Statement, all students are educated to be “principled” and taught to “act ethically.” These values also correspond with the mission of the IB Learner Profile where students strive to be “principled” and “thinkers.” The school expects from the students to act according to both our mission and values and those of the IB.
Approaches to Learning
In a digital learning environment the acquisition of appropriate research skills is required. In order for students to avoid academic dishonesty, teaching of information literacy and self-management plays a central role in the curriculum. Both teachers and the librarian take an active role in this. Students are taught and expected to cite and reference all their work appropriately. The school encourages students to use the MLA method; however, students are able to choose any other appropriate methods under the condition that it is used consistently.
Role of the Librarian
The school librarian is a useful resource to avoid academic dishonesty. They are experts in this field, and are able to offer support and guidance on the appropriate methods to cite work. The librarian plays a central role in teaching the necessary research, information literacy and self-management skills needed to avoid academic dishonesty during allocated teaching periods and/or interventions during homeroom (‘heure de vie’) periods.
Academic Honesty Expectations Guide
All students are provided with a school’s Academic Honesty Expectations Guide appropriate to their age group. These guides show them how to effectively acknowledge their sources and aim to provide a continuum in the education of academic honesty.
The school uses Turnitin as a tool to teach students the value of academic integrity. Turnitin also allows for the detection of academic malpractice, whether intended or not. Both students and teachers are expected to use Turnitin before work is submitted to any examination board to ensure that all non-original contributions are fully and correctly cited and referenced.
Google Docs, Chrome Draftback and other digital tools
Teachers can use digital tools such as Chrome Draftback and the version history tool on Google Docs to detect instances of ‘copy/pasting’ and to monitor the creation process of individual work. Furthermore, it is a useful tool to monitor students’ collaborative documents.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed at the end of each academic year.
- (Accessed Sept 2017) Academic Honesty in the IB
IB.(2014) Academic Honesty in the IB Educational Context
- (2017) The Conduct of IB Diploma Examinations, May and November 2017
Abrioux, Marc and Rutherford, Jill. Introducing the IB Diploma Programme, 2013
Approved February 2019
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
Please find the policy here.
We have been authorised as an International Baccalaureate World School following a thorough assessment of the school by IB inspectors. This is a remarkable achievement, given how young the school is, and enabled us to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme for Year 12 starting in September 2019. The IBDP will expand to Years 12 and 13 in September 2020.
“Conversations with the pedagogical leadership team and teachers show considerable awareness of the importance of language learning and show awareness of plans for the school in this regard. This is something that is clearly important to the school and is mentioned in the vast majority of meetings. English/French bilingualism that is promoted in the school is at the heart of everything that is done and the choice of languages within the DP fully support this.”
“Conversations with parents and students show that there is an excellent general understanding of the following aspects of the programme each student is exposed to a broad and balanced curriculum and the DP is academically challenging but also aims at developing the attributes of the IB learner profile.”
International Baccalaureate also commended the school for:
“Teachers had excellent knowledge and understanding of students.”
“There is an excellent understanding within the school in general of the needs of students.”
“All members of the school have an excellent and appropriate understanding of the DP both in terms of content and philosophy; they are able to articulate this in a highly respectful environment.”
(Extract of IB report, April 2019)
The full authorisation report is available here as a PDF.
Sixth form provision: OUTSTANDING
Personal development, behaviour, and welfare: OUTSTANDING
“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. Pupils’ positive attitudes to learning are central to the school’s work and its upbeat, stimulating ethos. Pupils respond especially well to their teachers and the wide range of opportunities to learn. The constructive relationships between pupils and teachers mean that there is a strong climate for learning. Pupils are aspirational and highly motivated, and this makes a strong contribution to their achievements.”
“Outcomes for sixth-form students are excellent. Since the school was opened three and half years ago, students’ progress has continued to rise. In the 2018 Baccalauréat, 98.5% of students passed the examination, and 31% achieved the highest grade.”
“Sixth-form students are prepared extremely well for the next stage of their careers. Careers advice, information and guidance are especially strong, and students value the support they get. Students were keen to tell inspectors of the high-quality support they receive to help to complete their university application forms. This is reflected in the very high proportion of students who go on to university. In 2018, for example, 99% of students were accepted at a university of their choice. All students moved on to university, except one who gained employment.”
(Extract of Ofsted report, March 2019)
Click here to read a PDF of the full Ofsted report from March 2019.
Click here for the PDF of a letter from the school’s board chair about the 2019 Ofsted report.
We have been awarded CIS Membership following a rigorous self-evaluation process which culminated in September with an appraisal visit by a CIS Officer. Being a member of this network of highly reputable international schools in such a short time is quite an achievement.
“The school is a learning and listening school where everyone matters and is encouraged to extend themselves and achieve their best. The community is a collaborative one where teamwork prevails and responsibility and accountability are shared. Students are happy, self-confident and proud of their school. Their academic, health, social and emotional well-being is at the forefront of planning and rigorous Policies and Procedures are in place and consistently followed to ensure this is sustained.”
(Extract of CIS report, November 2017)
Please find here the Outcome Letter along with feedback excerpts from the CIS report, which includes commendations and recommendations and the general conclusions.
The full report is available here.