Modern Learning
In a world of profound and rapid change, education cannot stand still. We are preparing students to face new situations, filter a sea of unchecked information, and solve unimagined problems. The skills and abilities our students acquire must develop and evolve to successfully tackle future challenges. Adaptability, creativity and an ability to critically examine information, and understand other cultures will be critical.
Research in neuroscience and education shows there are almost as many learning styles as there are individuals. Education needs to be centred around each student’s learning style. We have gradually introduced tablets to support the curriculum. Digital devices complement, but do not replace traditional teaching and encourage creativity and collaboration.
By making the best use of technology alongside other educational practices, our school continues to develop innovative teaching methods. Our responsibility is to support our students in acquiring and mastering skills that will prepare them to find their place actively and responsibly in the world of tomorrow.
Starting in Primary Section Years 5 and 6 (CM1 and CM2), students have access to iPads to enhance lessons and academic activities under a teacher’s supervision. Internet access is filtered and restricted. Younger students may make limited use of tablets in some circumstances with the guidance of an instructor and no internet access.
In the Secondary Section, all students are loaned an iPad for the academic year to be used for coursework both inside and outside school. The digital device and its contents remain the property of the school, and internet access is filtered.
Additional Information

Since the opening of the school in 2015, online learning has been an integral part of our culture. Our teachers are highly trained specialists, many of whom are Google-certified Educators. They adapt their teaching style to suit the virtual classroom and ensure that all students are engaged and progress. During exam season each year for example, learning continues and students in lower Secondary attend classes online.

All students and their parents are required to read and sign our iPad User Guidelines and Agreement, which they receive before the start of the school year along with the school rules. At the beginning of the academic year, parents are invited to an iPad induction course which outlines goals and responsibilities, setting up a specific Apple ID, parental controls, etc. Only upon completion of the course is a school iPad provided to them for their child or children.
The school is protected by Sophos security software, a filtering and control suite that protects system access, e-mails, and the campus-wide Wi-Fi network. Sophos permits only Google Safe Search, adding an extra level of protection. Student internet access on school premises is submitted to the rigorous control of policies that allow or block certain categories of websites.
Additional IT assistance is offered every Wednesday morning to parents by the school’s technical team.
Can students play games on their iPads at school?
Upon receipt of the iPad, parents are requested to create a new Apple ID in order to allow the school to push the necessary apps. Parents are strongly encouraged not to provide their children with the password. No school-related apps or materials provided by the school require the use of a password by the student.
The school has very strict guidelines as to what sort of material is allowed on the iPad and game applications are not authorised. Students may only use their iPads for personal use during lunchtime (between 12:05 pm and 1:15 pm) and only in the student lounge. iPads must be kept in bags while students are at the canteen.
The school will carry out random checks on the content of iPads. The installation or use of Virtual Private Networks is strictly forbidden.

The proverb, “two heads are bigger than one”, perfectly represents our culture at LIL.
We have a strong sense of community and work very closely to ensure the future of our students and of our school. We are renowned for the incredibly close working relationship between teachers and students, and for the accessible nature of our staff to parents. Our parents are extremely supportive and this nurtured relationship is key to the school’s success.
Through the school’s mission, we educate students to respect the opinion of others. Collaboration encourages students to solve problems by considering the different perspectives expressed by the group.